Short recipe for membrane based user content types

Create a membrane based content item (it just needs to implement certain interfaces defined in membrane.interfaces)Register the type with membranetoolImportant: Set the active workflow status (the state in which a member can login) [...]

Allowing the anonymous to add portal content

In order for anonymous users to be able to add a content item inside a folder, the following permissions need to be had: In the parent folder: ViewAdd portal contentAccess content informationCreate XXX (for example, if the content item has a "creation_permission", this permission needs to be had. On the object: ViewModify portal contentAccess content information [...]

Creating an Archetypes validator

Archetypes validators are used in the schema definition for a field. Default validators include isEmail, isURL, etc. This is how to create a new validator: First, the validator has to be registered with Archetypes, or zope will complain at startup and ignore the validator. So add something like this in the of the product: from Products.validation import validation from validators import SamePasswordValidator validation.register(SamePasswordValidator('isSamePassword'))Next, the source code for the validator (validators. [...]

Specify creation roles for AGX generated content

An observation: when you want to specify the roles that are required for a user to have in order to create a piece of content, you'll have to also specify a creation permission. This means that the following tagged values are required, to something like: creation_permission = Create MyContent creation_roles = python: ('Anonymous', 'Member')This generates the following code in DEFAULT_ADD_CONTENT_PERMISSION = "Add portal content" setDefaultRoles(DEFAULT_ADD_CONTENT_PERMISSION, ('Manager', 'Owner')) ADD_CONTENT_PERMISSIONS = { [...]

Creating and managing a Windows service (part 4)

The final step is to "compile" everything into Windows executables using py2exe. For this I have the following file: from distutils.core import setup import py2exe import sys # If run without args, build executables, in quiet mode. if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.argv.append("py2exe") sys.argv.append("-q") class Target: def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) # for the versioninfo resources self.version = "0.1.0" self.company_name = "Pixelblaster Romania" self.copyright = "Copyright 2006 Pixelblaster Romania" = " [...]

Creating and managing a Windows service (part 3)

This third part shows the code needed to start/stop and set the startup type for the service. Actually, most of the necessary code sits in a ActiveState python-cookbook recipe, found here. So, the code, using the recipe is simple (well, except that it's presented as a wxwidgets windows): #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*- # generated by wxGlade 0.4.1cvs on Mon Aug 21 19:12:22 2006 import wx from dlgControlerMainFrame import dlgControlerMainFrame [...]

Creating and managing a Windows service (part 2)

This part of the recipe shows the python code needed to create (install) the Windows service. I didn't write most of this, I just found it somewhere on the internet. Credit due to the original author. import sys import win32service, win32serviceutil from config import SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME, SOFTWAREPATH service_path = "%s\myservice.exe" % SOFTWAREPATH def debug(msg): print msg def removeSvc(): debug('called removeSvc()') win32serviceutil.RemoveService(SERVICE_NAME) debug('...service was removed') def installSvc(): debug('installSvc()') hscm = win32service.OpenSCManager(None,None,win32service.SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS) [...]

Creating and managing a Windows service (part 1)

I'm starting a longer piece on creating and managing a python based Windows service, so look for the other parts in this blog for the complete "recipe" First, our tools: py2exe has, among its deployment targets, a "windows service" option, so we'll need that. To manage the service and interact with the Windows event log, the Python win32 extension is needed. Py2exe has a sample service in the samples/advanced folder, on which I've based my code. [...]

Capturing print statements output

Sometimes you have code that has a lot of print statements, which are helping you with debugging. But what happens if you try to port that code to an environment without a console? In the best case, you won't see the prints anymore, in the worse case, the code will fail because there's no "valid file descriptor" to which to write. The solution to this problem is to replace python's stdout file, which will enable the code output to be recorded and maybe logged for debugging purposes. [...]

Short guide to dns with bind on Fedora

I'm replacing a tinydns server with bind9, so I may as well put the setup here, as future reference. First, yum install bind-chroot to install the chrooted bind server. Next, edit the /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf options { directory "/var/named"; dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db"; statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt"; recursion no; }; //root global //life zone "" { type master; file "/etc/"; notify yes; }; zone "" { type master; file "/etc/db.localhost"; allow-update { none; }; }; zone " [...]